现任黄瓜视频 国际商务系讲师
2019年- 2020年, 新加坡国立大学商学院, 联合培养博士
2015年- 2021年, 吉林大学商学院,硕博连读,管理学博士
2011年- 2015年, 吉林大学商学院,管理学学士
2021年至今,黄瓜视频 讲师
[1] Wei Xu, Xiaotong Jin, Ruiheng Fu. The influence of scarcity and popularity appeals on sustainable products. Sustainable Production and Consumption ,2021,27(3), 1340-1348.(SSCI)
[2] Wei Xu, Xiaotong Jin. How social exclusion and temporal distance influence product choices:The role of coping strategies. Asia Pacific Journal Of Marketing And Logistics, 2021, 33(2), 351-370. (SSCI)
[3] Wei Xu, Xiaotong Jin. The effects of social exclusion and implicit theories of personality on
nostalgic consumption. Social Behavior and Personality, 2020, 48(3), 1-12. (SSCI)
[4] Xiaotong Jin, Wei Xu, Yan Wang. How power states and others’ statuses influence status consumption: The role of signaling effectiveness. International Journal of Market Research, 2018, 60(5), 531-546. (SSCI)
[5] Ruiheng Fu, Wei Xu. How social exclusion and high self-esteem negatively affect anthropomorphized products. Social Behavior and Personality, 2021, 49(1) :1-12. (SSCI)
[6] Taiyang Zhao, Xiaotong Jin, Wei Xu, Xiaomeng Zuo, Hongjing Cui. Mating goals moderate power’s effect on conspicuous consumption among women. Evolutionary Psychology, 2017,15(3), 1-8. (SSCI)
[7] Hongjing Cui, Kim Shyan Fam, Taiyang Zhao, Wei Xu, Cheng Han. How to save the wounded self: Power distance belief’s moderation of self‐identity threat and status‐related consumption. Journal Of Consumer Behaviour , 2020, 19(1), 3-12. (SSCI)
[8] Yan Wang, Hong Tian, Emine Sarigöllü, Wei Xu. Nostalgia prompts sustainable product disposal. Journal Of Consumer Behaviour, 2020, 19(6), 570-580. (SSCI)
[9] Hongjing Cui, Feng Yao, Xiaotong Jin, Taiyang Zhao, Wei Xu, Slawomir Smyczek. Effect of Regulatory Focus on Food Variety-Seeking Behavior of Chinese Tourists. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research, 2021 online(SSCI)
[10] 金晓彤,徐尉,姚凤. 个体需求影响消费者正面口碑传播吗?. 经济管理, 2019(11), 141-156.(被中国人民大学报刊复印资料《企业管理研究》2020年第 2期全文转载)(CSSCI)
[11] 崔宏静,徐尉,赵太阳,王天新. 自我认同威胁对消费者地位产品选择的影响研究——基于权力距离信念的调节效应和地位需求的中介效应. 南开管理评论, 2018, 21(6), 210-
220. (CSSCI)
[12] 金晓彤,姚凤,徐尉,赵太阳. 自我威胁情境对消费者地位消费行为——基于内隐人格的调节作用. 南开管理评论, 2020, 23(6), 111-123.(CSSCI)
[13] 金晓彤,赵太阳,崔宏静,徐尉,李广政. 地位感知变化对消费者地位消费行为的影响.心理学报, 2017, 49(2), 273-284.(CSSCI)
[14] 樊茜,金晓彤,徐尉. 教育培训对新生代农民工就业质量的影响研究——基于全国11 个省(直辖市)4030 个样本的实证分析. 经济纵横, 2018(3) :45-51.(CSSCI)
[15] 金晓彤,黄二帅,徐尉. 上行比较对地位消费的影响——基于内隐人格、权力距离、比较目标的调节效应分析. 管理评论, 2020,32(11), 153-163.(CSSCI)
[16] 金晓彤,黄二帅,徐尉. 商店拥挤对商品销售的双刃剑效应——基于产品流行性与产品独特性的中介效应. 中国流通经济, 2020(8) :110-118.(CSSCI)
[17] 金晓彤,黄二帅,徐尉.社会拥挤与广告导向的匹配效应对消费者产品态度的影响.东北大学学报:社会科学版,2021,23(6), 40-46.(CSSCI)